Sunday, May 1, 2011

TED Talk- Johnny Lee demos Wii Remote Hacks

Johnny Lee is a researcher who has learned how to hack Wii remotes. He demonstrated two ways to use Wii remotes for things other than video games in his TED talk. Lee said he is motivated about his research when he is given a simple opportunity to drastically change the distribution of information. Lee uses YouTube to share his Wii remote hack video for free. The first hack Lee shared was using the Wii remote to copy technology like a Smart board. The difference is this set-up costs only $50. Lee said that schools that do not have much money can use this as a much cheaper alternative to the thousand dollar interactive whiteboard. The second hack Lee shared was a head mounted 3-d viewer. This viewer had never been discovered before. Since Lee developed it, it has been used in numerous games and new technologies.
Lee’s speech was very interactive. He explained what he was doing during the whole speech so the audience would understand and stay engaged. What was cool about Lee’s talk was that he demonstrated technology we could make ourselves. He did not share some groundbreaking new technology that needs to be bought to use. He displayed cool technology we could make for less than $50. What Lee did relates to what we are reading in A Whole New Mind. Lee looked at a video game controller, but with a different perspective. The everyday person would not think to use a Wii remote to invent a touch screen projector or 3-d head device. This new perspective can help less privileged schools bring new technology in to help their students learn. What is even greater is that he is sharing this technology for free. Lee has a YouTube channel where he shares new technology he has researched, that costs very little. Whether this technology can help educate or is just for fun, all of it is approachable and shared at absolutely no cost. Some other technologies Lee has thought up are things like finger tracking in mid-air, and a haptic pen. While these technologies will not end world hunger, they can help develop things that can help out the everyday person for less money. It is discoveries like these that are helping new technology become more affordable.  

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